Aaaaand my second dish iiiiissssss...... curly fries. Haha. The GE oven with Advantium technology didn't do such a great job this time. It required three extra additional added cook times. The foil might have made a difference.

And, in the end, it wasn't as hot as we'd like it. It was still good, but not as good as deep frying the little things. Maybe, that's the difference between baking fries and deep frying fries? Anyway, they are a nice golden brown, aren't they?
Evan, I haven't visited your blog for a while and look at the process you've made. Nice job. I thought the cookies and fries looked ok. Healthy fries is not going to taste as good as the unhealthy ones. So what are you going to serve us when the kids come visit. Although it was hell but don't you feel good about it now looking back? So is it all finished? Don't forget to change your lock to your door. We're going to have to pay you a visit soon before the 'new place' looks and feels are gone.
Nice job!
Hey Gaw, thanks! The contractor work is finished. But, I'm still saving up to buy the sofa and the bed. Since, I have a futon to sleep on temperarily, I'm planning on the sofa next. I am happy with my place. But, it was a long road, and it still doesn't feel done yet. I think I will feel much better once I get my sofa and work area set up. Not sure what we'll have when you visit. Not sure how much we'll cook at home with Chinatown so close. But, definitely want to make something just to show off the oven. :)
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