I keep on buying things and my place remains the same size. So, until I can afford to purchase another room, I have to just make room. So, I have a Dahon folding bike. It folds small enough. But, in a 500sqft apartment, it's a little challenging to find space for it. I wanted to hang it off the wall or the ceiling, but that requires drilling into concrete. I'm not ready for that. So, I had to sit it somewhere on the ground. I decided to put it by the entrance. BUT, I can't place it directly on my bamboo floor because it would mark it up. I had some extra FLOR tiles left over from when I created my "lawn". So, I decided to extend a 14" wide strip out from the lawn for the bike to sit on. And, this is what you see in the picture.
That looks very clean. Another option would be to get a freestanding bike holder. I've seen them at Target and other places. They have a pedestal and will hold up to 2 full size bikes, one above the other. Naturally, this means it would easily accommodate your Dahon as well as your bike helmet and other cycling gear. Price: about $29 US
Hi Larry, I have looked into those bike racks. The one I'd want to get would probably involve drilling. And, I'm just not ready to drill into my ceiling yet. But, I might go that way in the future. Thanks for the suggestion.
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