So, I got myself another game system. Well, actually, my wonderful girlfriend got it for me for Christmas. I wonder how she knew? But, I keep telling myself that I shouldn't pick another gaming system up because I end up not using them as much as I should to get my money's worth. BUT, I had been thinking about picking up the DS for a while. Over a year. Then, they came out with the DSlite. That made it even more portable, which made it more buyable. :) So, as time went on, the idea of picking one up just made its way into my little brain more frequently. I did a little research and found that its really got some good games. Not just shoot em up kill em games. But, more in the direction of just fun strategy games. Games that make you think and work the mind a little. Don't get me wrong, I like myself a good shoot em up game as much as the next gaming nerd. I splattered my fair share of heads with a snipper riffle and ripped out a good amount of skulls with their spines still attached as well when I had to work off some frustration. But, that can get old after a while. And, I'm getting old and my mind could use some working out. :P So, I am very happy with the DSlite. Plus, the games are more affordable than the PSPs. So, now, I have Brain Age and Mario Kart so far. Love them both. By the way, I have a 34 year old brain. That's down from a 52 yr old brain. June is down in her low 20s. :) Anyway, the DSlite has been a good buy so far. I would highly recommend it. Now, I just have to figure out how to do get things done and play games at the same time......
DUDE, DS is the best system I own, I only play it on the train and when I'm traveling. It's awesome, I have to admit that I rarely play my psp, I hate all the loading time. Mariokart is awesome and so is the "new" super mario Bros.
Wow!!!!!!!!! Your girlfriend is so nice!!!!!!
She is, isn't she? :)
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